Our Services: Data Compliance
We live in an age when increasing numbers of people work from home and, therefore, require remote access to business networks and data. Sadly malicious online activity aimed at obtaining data and extorting money by fraud, has increased dramatically.
As a consequence, ensuring the safety of the data of your business handles, has never been more essential.
The legal requirements enshrined in the General Data Protection (GDPR) which came into force in 2018, mean the security of your data is paramount.
Under the GDPR, a business is obliged to manage data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) responsibly.
Individuals now have a legal right to know what information is being held bout them.
The GDPR also means a business must respond to data subject access request (SAR) or a data breach in good time, and it must log a record of such activity for audit.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), part of GCHQ, recommends that 'privacy by design' should be fundamental to your business strategy.
Complying with the GDPR must be intrinsic to your business operations and doing so will enhance and maintain best practice in data security.
ACME has been at the forefront of GDPR compliance since the regulations were introduced. Our info-security audit will deliver an expert insight into the current state of your data compliance, and a clear view of any vulnerabilities that should be addressed and eradicated.
Our Services: CyberEssentials
The UK Government introduced CyberEssentials, as a certification that demonstrates a good standard of information security.
ACME believe this will very soon become a vital asset for all businesses, and we can help you achieve it and thus demonstrate even more clearly the compliance of your data security.
Complying with the GDPR and being certified for CyberEssentials should be an objective for any business.
Adopting the underlying principles relating to people, process and technology should be both a badge of integrity and a source of peace of mind, for you and your customers.
By exhibiting these credentials, you demonstrate to your clientele that you recognise and respect the importance of their data and privacy and are fully responsible in the way you manage their information.
Our Services: Data Security
The risk that cyber-crime represents to a business cannot be overstated.
Recent history is littered with examples of companies that have suffered severe loss, of money and reputation because their data security was compromised.
It is essential to accept that the bad guys are out there - and they want to steal your data.
Cyber-criminals are sophisticated, using smart techniques like AI to watch business and exploit any weakness they find.
Ransomware that enables crooks to access a business's data and systems for the purpose of extorting money, is on the increase.
The best response for any business is a robust system of data protection that will minimise the risk.
ACME provides a comprehensive cloud-based managed service that pro-actively monitors your data-related activity and can detect and block any threat.
We can provide a variety of packages that give control of your data security, by helping you to;
SECURE your internet connection and comms
SECURE your devices and software
CONTROL access to your data and services
PROTECT from viruses and malware
KEEP your devices and software up to date
We have a variety of packages to suit different businesses by nature and size
- please contact us today, to find out which one suits you.